
Bylaws of Sub -Specialties in Pediatrics

Sub-Specialties in Pediatrics have recently grown in extension. Lebanese Pediatrics Society decided to create clubs or working-groups of Sub-Specialty to allow all member of a SS to collaborate together for a better quality of care for children.


Clubs or working group of Sub -Specialty are branches of Lebanese Pediatrics Society.

1-Administration :

A-Full members : They must be affiliated to Lebanese Order of Physicians in Beirut and have an aknowledged competence in the field of Sub -Specialty ( diploma or 2 years training abroad and be members of the Lebanese Pediatric Society.

B-Associate Members : They are para- medical people working in the field of this Sub-Specialty ( nurses, psychologists. Social Worker. Nutritionist...)

C-Coordinator:Fu ll- members elect every year one coordinator among them,which is the contact between the club and Lebanese Pediatric Society.

D- By - laws and management : It is clear that clubs or working group coordinator cannot be elected for 2 consecutive years are part of the Lebanese Pediatric Society and consequently they cannot have a separate budget or administration, and they are only advisors for the L.P.S. in the concerned field.

E-Codification of medical acts: It is the responsability of Clubs or W.G to codify medical acts depending from their S.S. They will send them to L.P.S. who will agree on them before sending them to Lebanese Order Pediatric.

2- Scientific problems :

-Unify research scientific studies, statistics.
-Propose commun protocols adapted to Lebanese realities.
-Coordinate all national and international scientific meetings, announce them to the Lebanese physicians, and assure a Lebanese deleguation in all international societies and associations.
-Give an official advice on all new treatment or national protocol proposed by any organization through Lebanese Pediatric Society

3-Non- exhaustive list of Sub-Specialities:

-Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive
-Gastro-enterology and hepatology
-Pneumology and immuno- allergology
-Ambulatory Community Pediatrics
-Infections disease